Dr. Vinson, a Licensed Psychiatric Physician, is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Lorio Forensics. She is a Triple-Board Certified physician with nationally certifications in Child & Adolescent, Adult and Forensic Psychiatry. She completed her forensic psychiatry fellowship at Emory School of Medicine, where she developed skills in the performance and documentation of forensic psychiatric evaluations. While there she also gained familiarity with pertinent federal and state case law. She now teaches forensic psychiatry through her faculty appointments at Morehouse School of Medicine and Emory School of Medicine. With her additional expertise in Child & Adolescent psychiatry, Dr. Vinson is not only able to perform evaluations of children & adolescents, but is also able to take a nuanced developmental approach in her evaluations involving adults.
Dr. Vinson has experience working as the Medical Director of a jail-based competency restoration program; as a psychiatric physician on an Assertive Community Treatment team at a large public hospital that served many patients with legal histories; as the Interim Medical Director of a community agency that provides mental health services as well as foster care and housing services to children and families; and in a juvenile justice facility providing direct patient care to incarcerated youth. She has practiced in both public and private settings serving children, adolescents and adults throughout her career.
A sought-after and highly-respected forensic mental health consultant, Dr. Vinson has testified and been admitted as an expert in state, federal, criminal and family courts. She has been a speaker at regional and national conferences including but not limited to the Federal Public Defenders Winning Strategies Meeting, the Southern Regional Juvenile Defender Conference, and the National Bar Association – Young Lawyer Division Conference and Retreat. Furthermore, Dr. Vinson has distinguished herself among her peers, earning her an appointment to the position of Psychiatric Advisor to the Judges’ and Psychiatrists’ Leadership Initiative and an appointment by the Governor of Georgia to the state’s Behavioral Health Reform and Innovation Commission.